Current Location: Le Marin, Martinique


Current Location: Le Marin, Martinique -


Lets show the world the true potential.

Johannes Li - Solo-Circumnavigation as the first person with Autism.

Starting in December 2023, I will meet with organisations around the globe to promote Inclusion and understanding for neurodivergent people.
— Johannes Li

It´s me, Johannes!

Born 2003 in Germany I had a somewhat special Childhood.

At the age of ten i was officialy diagnosed with Aspergers-Sysndrome. Getting Diagnosed helped me to a better understanding of myself, as well as the world. I know first hand about many challenges autistic people face. Due to autism being a spectrum with a variety of chracteristics I was blessed with a more extroverted personality than other autistisc people. I want to use that, and be a voice for them.

I want to create a more aware, understanding and supportive world. For everyone.